A comprehensive suite of Talent Intelligence assessments, ready to be used individual or combined, that generate valuable insights into the individual’s strengths and needs.
Be informed about a person's ability to learn from experience and the adaptability to future challenges.
Get tangible insights about a person's abilty to take ownership of the career in a mature and authentic way.
Acquire knowledge about a person's career drivers. Career pitfalls show the extent to which the internal compass is accurately calibrated.
Understand the current levels of energy and find out about the presence of possible energy leaks.
Map the abilities to process various types of information, numeric, abstract and verbal.
Identify a person's role & areas of strength within an innovative team, in order to excel and contribute the most.
Learn all about the degree to which a person is inclined to act in an honest, trustworthy and ethical way.
Why Best Available Human Intelligence (BAHI) should not be cast aside lightly.
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