Understand the energy levels and find out about possible energy leaks.
The Energy-Stress Balance provides concrete information about the available energy levels and the potential leaks.
For the employee, this offers input for a concrete reflection on the current energy levels and an insight into how to address the energy leaks.
For the employer, it leads to a better understanding of the respondent's energy levels and how and where to offer support.
The Energy-Stress Balance can also be the initiator for job crafting or further analysis into how the respondent's energy levels can be supported or improved.
Professional self-confidence
Being convinced that one has the motivation and abilities to achieve one's goals
The ability to bounce back from and deal with setbacks, failure or adversity
The degree to which success can be attributed to oneself
The ability to see the light at the end of the tunnel and knowledge on how to get there
The Energy-Stress Balance assessment can be applied in the following situations:
the start of a career trajectory
the start of an outplacement process
at the beginning of a change or restructuring project
to acquire useful information after the reintegration following a burn-out