In this blog, I want to make the case for a more integrated Talent Management. The framework of 'happy, healthy and productive careers' by Ans de Vos (2018) can be of use to make integrated Talent Management tangible and actionable.
By integrated Talent Management, we mean an approach that is
What is a healthy career? Ans De Vos: The dynamic fit of the career with one’s mental and physical capacities. In other words, it’s the degree to which an individual is capable of keeping his or her energy levels up throughout the ever-changing working experience a career has become. The numbers do not lie, RIZIV notes an increase with 39% on the number of employees staying home for more than one year because of psychological illness over the last 5 years. By the end of 2017 more than 140,000 people were staying home off work because of psychological illness in Belgium.
What is a happy career? Ans De Vos: The dynamic fit of the career with one’s values, goals or needs. In other words, it is the degree to which an individual manages to build a career that allows him or her to build on strengths, talents and intrinsic motivation. It is also about finding out what personal career success means for every employee.
What is a productive career? Ans De Vos: The dynamic fit of the career with organizational human capital needs. In other words, it is the degree to which an employee manages to stay relevant to the organization. The focus is on self-management and adaptability.
Are you interested in how to facilitate healthy, happy and productive careers in your organization? Contact us for more information about the Career Fitness Profiler for career development.
De Vos, A. et al. (2018). Sustainable careers, towards a conceptual model. Journal of Vocational Behavior.